What’s the best investment a person can make? Putting money in the bank? Buying stocks? Purchasing real estate? Something else? Here’s the best investment that there is in my view — invest in God. Let me explain what I mean by investing in God.
Most people spend a great deal of time, and even most of their time, mentally considering things of the world. These worldly things might be pleasant, they might be unpleasant, they might be enticing, they might be worrisome, they might be mostly neutral, but whatever their nature they have something to do with what’s happening in the world. Mental focus in this case is directed out into the world. Having this sort of focus is completely normal for most of us, nothing out of the ordinary or unhealthy about it at all. There is a problem with focusing so exclusively upon the world however and the problem is this:
We lose track of God.
This was an excerpt from The Life Help Journal article: Investing in God. This is a membership article, with excerpt preview for non members. Access the article Here.