By ordering and / or participating in a life help session with Thomas Williams, you agree to all life help sessions terms of service, conditions, and policies. Terms of service, conditions, and policies are detailed on the Life Help Sessions Terms of Service page.
Order an Email Session with Thomas Williams
1. Click the button below, Order A Life Help Email Session, to make your session payment. Clicking the button will take you to a secure payment hub. After completing your payment you will automatically be redirected back to complete your order.
2. Send an email using the form below. Include the name and email address that was used to make your payment; this information will be needed to verify your order. If you do not include the name and email address that was used to make your payment you will not receive a response. Please try to limit your life help inquiry to 300 words or less. Extra long inquiries may take longer to respond to and / or may not be responded to fully.
3. Thomas will effort to respond to all email life help inquiries within 72 hours during the business week (Monday to Friday). Thomas will not respond to email life help inquiries on weekends or during United States holidays.
Important: Email sessions are a single exchange, where Thomas Williams responds once to an email life help message. Email sessions are not a multi exchange form of life help. If you would like to have a life help exchange with Thomas please order an Online Conversation Life Help Session.